得知自己得了前列腺癌可能会很震惊. 你可能会感到麻木、害怕、困惑或愤怒. 你可能不相信甚至没有听到十大赌博平台排行榜说的话. 你可能会感到孤独,即使家人或朋友和你在一起. 这些感觉是正常的.

确诊后的最初几天或几周往往特别困难. 你可能会有思考、吃饭或睡觉的困难. 你和你身边的人可能会经历各种各样的情绪, 哪一个会经常毫无征兆地改变. You may swing between a sense of helpless despair and an impulse to take immediate action against your cancer. Becoming knowledgeable about prostate cancer and your treatment options can diminish this distress and will enable you to make informed decisions. 你也会从学习如何掌控自己的治疗中获得情感上的好处.

在家人的支持下,自我教育的过程会更容易, 朋友和医疗专业人士. 的 most important step you can take is to seek help as soon as you realize that you could use some help coping. 不要独自经历这些. 让你的家人, trusted friends and your doctors and their staff know about your struggles and any mood changes.

Learning to live with the inevitable uncertainty about treatment outcomes is a challenge for anyone. Although there are no guarantees that you've achieved a cure you may actually live your full natural life span. 你的PSA水平应该在你的余生中每隔一段时间检查一次. 一些男性在进行PSA检测时经历了“PSA焦虑”, 但许多人设法生活在没有过度担心复发的情况下. This guide offers some strategies that may help both you and your loved ones live with more ease with your cancer.